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Ready to build real power at work? Join the Building Worker Power Training led by staff from the NC Justice Center! Learn how to stand up for your rights and create lasting change in your workplace. #WorkerPower #WorkersRights

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Join the
Movement to
Build  Worker Power

At The Chester Worker Empowerment Center, we believe that every worker deserves a dignified work environment and a family-sustaining wage. Our educational offerings, strategic organizing efforts, and empowerment programs are aimed at promoting justice for workers in Chester and the surrounding areas. Join us in our mission to empower workers and strengthen communities.


Our Mission


The Chester Worker Empowerment Center's mission is to “educate, organize, and empower” workers in Chester and surrounding . We are concerned community members, clergy, labor, and elected officials who believe that all workers have the right to dignity and respect at work. 

Our Campaigns

Worker Survey

We are surveying workers in our communities to better understand worker needs. This information will help shape the programs we provide.  All individual responses will be held strictly confidential. We appreciate your opinion and your time! A $10 Food Lion gift card will be mailed to individuals completing the survey at the address provided. The gift card incentive is limited to residents in South Carolina. 

Offer expires Oct. 31

Worker Power Hour

Coming Soon!

Learn More

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